
A Simplified Grammar of Biblical Hebrew is unavailable, but you can change that!

This workbook offers 65 lessons to learn and practice patterns and principles of Hebrew grammar. Includes concise explanations, plenty of exercises, and useful charts. The included lessons provide a helpful study tool to enhance student learning.

Psa. 23:1–3 1מִזְמוֹר לְדָוִד יְהוָה לֹא אֶחְסָר 2בִּנְאֹות דִּשִׁא יַרְבִּיצֵ֣נִי עַל־מֵי מְנֻחוֹת 3נַפְשִׁי בְמַעְגְּלֵי־צֶדֶק לְמַעַן שְׁמֹו “The Lord is my Shepherd I shall not lack. He makes me lie down in pastures of green grass, by quiet waters he leads me. He restores my soul; He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name sake.” In these three verses, four out of six verb forms are Weak Verb forms. They occur much more often than Strong Verb forms, but unless