
A Simplified Grammar of Biblical Hebrew is unavailable, but you can change that!

This workbook offers 65 lessons to learn and practice patterns and principles of Hebrew grammar. Includes concise explanations, plenty of exercises, and useful charts. The included lessons provide a helpful study tool to enhance student learning.

Some Hebrew sentences do not have verbs such as the following: Gen. 14:2b הִיא־צֹער “It is Zoar” Exod. 6:2 אֲנִי יְהוָֹה “I am the Lord” When this occurs the translator has to determine the tense of the sentence from the context and then supply the missing verb. I. THE ORDER OF NON-VERBAL SENTENCES: There are several things that help determine the meaning of a verbal clause: A. Definiteness: 1. If the predicate is definite then it identifies a definite