
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society Volume 54 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Theological journals are a tremendous resource for biblical studies. However, anyone who has searched for copies of theological journals knows that they are difficult to find and impossible to buy. Even if you are fortunate enough to have a library of journals in print form, they take up lots of shelf space. With the print editions, finding a topic or Scripture reference can be difficult. The...

exegetical trees, N. T. Wright deals in inter-galactic ecosystems.”13 Wright is aware that Paul has his own little ordo salutis in Rom 8:30,14 but Wright balks at the idea that justification is about conversion or getting “saved.” He regards justification as a post-conversion declaration that one is a member of the people of God rather describing the process of how one becomes part of the people of God. That would mean that justification is more about ecclesiology than soteriology (though it is
Volume 54, Number 2, Page 303