
Greg Laurie Sermon Archive is unavailable, but you can change that!

Nearly 1,200 sermons from Greg Laurie from the past 21 years have now come to Logos! Award-winning author, evangelist, and senior pastor Greg Laurie brings 21 years’ worth of sermons to the Logos platform, bringing you over a thousand powerful and memorable sermons in the most portable and intelligent digital format available. Discover the timeless teachings of acclaimed pastor and preacher Greg...

Here is the problem. When we should be fighting the enemy, far too often we are fighting each other. We are moving toward the enemy. Get out of my way. The enemy is saying this is good. They are self-destructing. He wants to bring disunity into our ranks. He wants to sow discord among the brethren. We must resist this. Do you know what the most difficult part of holding a crusade is? It might surprise you. It is not booking the facilities, though that can be challenging at times. It is not pulling