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How is the Christian religion different from all the other world religions? Does the Bible contain error, contradictions, or discrepancies? If God knew that Satan would rebel and Adam and Eve would sin, why did He create them? What are the dangers of postmodernism? These are questions that concern every Christian, and the online ministry of Got Questions provides basic, Scriptural answers to...

Hebrew word tzitzit (fringes) is 600. Each of the fringes contains 8 threads and 5 knots, making a total of 613. Based on rabbinical Judaism, this number corresponds to the 613 commandments contained in the Torah. Jewish prayer shawls are being promoted and marketed quite heavily today in the Messianic and Hebrew Roots movements, and they have also begun to make their way into some mainline Christian communities as well. Some Christians believe that if the fringed garment is a garment that Jesus