
Conduct Gospel-Centered Funerals: Applying the Gospel at the Unique Challenges of Death is unavailable, but you can change that!

Our calling as ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ is to make Christ central in all we do. Yet, in many funeral occasions, the gospel of Jesus Christ is lamentably overlooked as the primary purpose of the funeral service and that upon which all true hope depends. The aim of this book is not just to inform you of all the different kinds of important logistics, challenges, and practicalities...

a welcome for those attending and a statement of why you have gathered, prepare the rest of the funeral service around the following five areas, seeking how the gospel can be accurately portrayed in them: prayer, music, Scripture readings, eulogy, and sermon. Prayers can be staggered throughout the service and offered by different people. However, make sure that if you allow someone else to pray in the service, you know that person and have confidence that he or she will pray to the same end
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