
The Works of Thomas Goodwin, Vol. I is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume One contains Goodwin’s commentary on the first of two volumes on the book of Ephesians. Goodwin deeply valued the minutia of Ephesians, and devotes much of his commentary to portions of the epistle overlooked by other commentators. Throughout his commentary, Goodwin displays a humble awareness for the richness of Paul’s writings and for the grace of God working through the words of the...

way of honour given unto Christ himself, (God’s first and great apostle sent out by him, John 20:21,) ‘The high priest and apostle of our profession, Jesus,’ &c., Heb. 3:1. Obs.—No sins before, and I may add to it, nor yet after conversion, can hinder God’s free grace from using men in the highest employments in the Church, but magnify it the more. David, after his adultery, was a penman of Scripture, Psalm 51; Solomon, after his fall, of Ecclesiastes; Peter, after his conversion, denied Christ with
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