
God Doesn’t Believe in Atheists: Proof That the Atheist Doesn’t Exist is unavailable, but you can change that!

Contrary to popular opinion, the existence of God can be proven—absolutely, scientifically, without reference to faith or even the Bible. It is also possible to prove that the Bible is supernatural in origin. This book will do just that. This book proves to atheists that they don’t exist, reveals to agnostics their true motives, and strengthens the faith of the believers. This book answers...

made. Not only did it create every one of the 100,000 hairs on the average non-bald human head, but it is also familiar with each individual hair. If the force can make the eye, it is not blind itself. Creation reflects the genius of the creative Force’s hand. Let’s look at a common cow. Someone once said, “How is it that a brown cow eats green grass, which turns into white milk, then is made into yellow butter and orange cheese, which are eaten by a person who grows red hair and has blue eyes?”
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