
Generations of Praise: The History of Worship is unavailable, but you can change that!

In Generations of Praise, authors Bruce Shields and David Butzu explore the history of worship from ancient Israel to the present and analyze how worship has evolved in various cultures. The hope is that present believers, as well as future generations, will have a deeper understanding of God and experience an unhindered worship of our Creator. This volume is helpful if you’re a worship leader or...

used commonly by many synagogues. However this worked, the synagogues were apparently careful to make the whole Torah (Genesis through Deuteronomy) heard, understood, and applied systematically over a three-year period. The second element of synagogue worship included targum. Synagogue leaders developed the practice of orally translating the readings into the local languages. These translations were called targumim. The first targum was probably in the Aramaic language that was used by most Jews
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