
Introduction to Theology (Volume One) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many textbooks on Systematic Theology are philosophical in their approach, ponderous in their thought, verbose in their exegesis, unclear in their presentation, and poorly organized in their subject matter; therefore, they are of minimal value to the average Christian. There has been, and is, a great need for a work on theology that meets the needs of the local-church pastor, the Bible-college...

the Greek word “onto,” meaning the things which exist. The argument is this: The fact that all men have the idea of a perfect being demands the existence of A Perfect Being. C. THE EXISTENCE OF GOD IS KNOWN TO ALL MEN—All normal men (men who are not idiots, imbeciles, or morons), after the awakening of their reasoning powers, are aware of the existence of God. No race or tribe has ever been found that had no knowledge of God’s existence. D. THE EXISTENCE OF GOD IS A TRUTH THAT IS OFTEN REJECTED AND
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