
Glory in Our Midst: A Biblical-Theological Reading of Zechariah’s Night Visions is unavailable, but you can change that!

Find insight into Zechariah’s night visions with this reproduction of a series of articles that appeared in the journal Kerux, designed to serve those preaching on the visions. As indicated by the title of the volume, Meredith G. Kline argues that the glory of the heavenly presence of the triune God is the dominant reality in Zechariah’s visionary world. And central in the message of the night...

realistically displayed in this central fourth vision. Here the heavenly court coalesces with the holy throne room on earth, celestial beings whose proper sphere is the invisible, supernal realm appearing alongside the earthly high priest Joshua. Such an interlinking of heavenly archetype and earthly ectype is what was involved in the non-visionary, external reality of the presence of the Glory-Spirit, the epiphany of the heavenly court, manifested in the Israelite tabernacle or temple. Towering
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