
On God and Man: The Theological Poetry of St Gregory of Nazianzus is unavailable, but you can change that!

St. Gregory of Nazianzus is one of the most transparent Fathers of the Church. In these poems, he speaks of the joys and frustrations of his own life, laying bare his inner questioning about the purpose and value of life in the face of sin and mortality, and his ultimate faith in Christ as the redeemer and reconciler of all things. St. Gregory’s poetry has often been compared with St. Augustine’s...

Poem 1.1.11, De Christi Incarnatione (PG 37, 470–471). Foolish is he or she who does not worship the ever-existing Word of God, the Lord, as equally God with the supernal Father. (471) Foolish is he or she who does not worship the Word, the Lord, a human here appearing, as equally God with the heavenly Word. [5] The one divides the Word from the great Father, the other our human form and fleshiness from the Word. Though being God, the Father’s Word took on our human
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