
Galatians: The Charter of Christian Liberty is unavailable, but you can change that!

A commentary on a particular book of the Bible ordinarily employs one of several possible methods of study. In this absorbing study of the Epistle to the Galatians, Merrill C. Tenney provides the reader with a concise and comprehensive analysis of Galatians by devoting a chapter to each of ten different methods of Bible study: synthetic, critical, biographical, historical, theological,...

called the synthetic method. The word synthetic is derived from the Greek preposition syn, which means together, and the verbal root the, which means to put, so that the resultant meaning is “a putting together.” Synthetic is the opposite of analytic, which means “a taking apart.” The synthetic method ignores detail, and treats only of the interpretation of a document as a whole. The First Reading: The Main Theme The first reading of the book should be careful but rapid; and the main quest should
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