
Five Views on the Extent of the Atonement is unavailable, but you can change that!

For whom did Christ die? Who may be saved? are questions of perennial interest and importance for the Christian faith. In a familiar Counterpoints format, this book explores the question of the extent of Christ’s atonement, going beyond simple Reformed vs. non-Reformed understandings. This volume elevates the conversation to a broader plane, including contributors who represent the breadth of...

where purification on the part of the individual enables one to become an honourable vessel, purification that of its essence is voluntary.24 Again, as with Chrysostom, the mystery of free human engagement with God concerns John, not God’s will overriding human self-determination: “It must be understood not as of God’s own activity, but as of God’s allowing through self-determination, furthermore the good is not to be forced.”25 So far I have argued that a forensic notion of atonement is not prevalent
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