
Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough is unavailable, but you can change that!

This thought-provoking book discusses one of the least understood, but most powerful, disciplines of Christianity. Most believers know about fasting, but few really understand the wonderful benefits that result from fasting with purpose and direction. Fasting for Spiritual Breakthrough gives the why of fasting, rather than just the how. Towns avoids a glut of techniques and schedules, instead he...

and be free of spiritual bondage, we must renounce the counterfeit influences in our lives. Pray audibly, “I renounce (insert here those counterfeit influences that are holding you in spiritual bondage).” Praying audibly is the first important step on the road to experiencing your liberty in Christ. Take time to examine your history. Note all external and internal influences, and denounce them audibly when you pray. The second step on the road to Christian liberty
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