Faithlife Study Bible
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Major Groups in Jesus’ Time



In the Bible

In Josephus


A Jewish party characterized by strict asceticism.

Jewish War 2.120–161; Antiquities 13.172; 15.373–379; 18.18–22


A Jewish political party who sympathized with the rulers in the Herodian dynasty.

Matt 22:16; Mark 3:6; 12:13

Jewish War 1.319; Antiquities 14.450


A lay Jewish party that exercised strict piety according to Mosaic and oral law.

Matt 15:1–20; 23:1–36; Mark 7:1–13; Luke 7:29–30; 11:37–44; 16:14; Acts 5:34–39; 23:6–10; 26:5

Jewish War 2.162–163, 411; Antiquities 13.172, 288–298; 17.41; 18.12–15; Life 1.12


A Jewish party that was part of the aristrocracy and connected to the temple priesthood.

Matt 22:23; Mark 12:18; Luke 20:27; Acts 5:17; 23:6–10

Jewish War 2.164–166; Antiquities 13.173, 297–298; 18.16–17; 20:199


A group who lived in the region of Samaria. They worshiped on Mount Gerazim instead of at the temple in Jerusalem.

Luke 10:33; 17:16–18; John 4:9, 20; 8:48

Antiquities 9.288–291; 12.156, 257–264; 13.74; 20.118–136


A militant, anti-Roman Jewish political and religious group. There is debate about whether this group existed in an organized way before the First Jewish Revolt of AD 66–73.

Matt 10:4; Mark 3:18; Acts 1:13

Jewish War 4.160–161; 7.267–274; Josephus may have called them the “Fourth Philosophy” in Antiquities 18.23–25


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