Faithlife Study Bible
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98:title–9 In this psalm of Yahweh’s kingship (or enthronement) the psalmist calls Israel to sing a new and joyful song to Yahweh because He has helped them (vv. 1–3; see note on 93:1). He then extends that call to all the people of the earth and eventually the earth itself (vv. 4–6). The psalmist concludes by describing how all of creation joyfully anticipates the full establishment of Yahweh’s righteous reign (vv. 7–9).

98:title A psalm See note on 3:title.

98:1–3 Through His actions, Yahweh has displayed His righteousness and His faithfulness to Israel. The watching world has seen Yahweh’s salvation. The psalmist may be considering a new perspective on Israel’s history, or he may have new instances of Yahweh’s help to Israel in mind. This section of Psa 98 reflects parts of Psa 96 and 100.

98:1 Sing to Yahweh a new song See 96:1.

holy arm God’s arm is a symbol of his strength in both judgment and salvation. See note on 44:3.

Psalm 98:1 IVPBBCOT

have secured his victory The word yasha' means “to help,” or “to save.”

98:2 his salvation Refers to deliverance from real hazards and problems. See note on 91:16.

his righteousness The psalmist describes how God’s deliverance displays His righteousness. See note on 97:2.

the nations Refers to people groups outside Israel.

In the psalms, the other nations become aware of God primarily through His action on behalf of Israel and Israel’s praise of Him. Yahweh expresses concern for the entirety of humanity throughout the ot, with Israel playing a central role in His purpose of redemption.

98:3 his loyal love God’s chesed is one of his defining characteristics. See note on 25:10.

the house of Israel Probably refers to family or community.

the salvation of our God Coupled with v. 2, the term yeshu'ah (“salvation”) provides a bookend structure to define what God has revealed to Israel and the nations. By remembering His commitment to Israel and acting on it, God has shown Himself to the world.

98:4–6 The psalmist exhorts his audience to sing praises to Yahweh and celebrate Him as King.

98:4 Shout joyfully to Yahweh Compare 100:1.

98:6 trumpets Refers to a long, metallic trumpet used for giving a signal call.

horn The Hebrew word here, shophar, refers to a ram’s horn used mainly as a signaling device, such as a call to war (Num 31:6).

the king, Yahweh Emphasizes Yahweh’s theocratic rule over the earth. See note on Psa 93:1.

98:7–9 The psalmist describes personified creation rejoicing at Yahweh’s arrival to judge the earth, because His arrival means the restoration of justice. This section reflects 96:11–13.

98:7 Let the sea with its fullness roar The sea rejoices at Yahweh’s approach (compare 93:3–4).

The psalms portray the natural world’s two main responses to Yahweh’s rule over all creation: The earth either shakes in terror or responds in joyous anticipation of Yahweh’s righteous reign. This second response finds expression in human stewardship in the care of the earth. The ot portrays human stewardship as a primary channel for God’s blessing on the world (Gen 1:26–28); the nt states that creation groans in its longing for redemption (Rom 8:22).

the world The Hebrew word used here, tevel, often refers specifically to the inhabited world. See note on Ps 90:2.

98:8 Let the rivers clap their hands Compare 96:11–12.

Psalm 98:8 IVPBBCOT

98:9 he is coming to judge the earth Refers to executing judgment in a legal context.

the peoples Refers to geographic territories outside of Israel.

equity God’s judgment will be fair.


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