Faithlife Study Bible
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93:1–5 Like Pss 47; Psa 93 is a psalm of Yahweh’s kingship (or enthronement) that praises Yahweh as king over all the earth. In Psa 93, the psalmist portrays Yahweh as a powerful ruler (vv. 1–2) and describes how Yahweh easily overpowers His enemy, the primordial waters (the seas; vv. 4–5). He concludes by emphasizing Yahweh’s decrees and encouraging loyalty to Him (v. 5).

Types of Psalms Table

93:1–2 Verses 1–2 envision Yahweh as an awesome king enthroned over the world. These verses emphasize the stability of His reign, as well as His great age—that He is eternal.

93:1 Yahweh is king This typifies the main theme and contents of the psalms of Yahweh’s kingship or enthronement, which are also sometimes called theocratic psalms (Pss 47; 93; Pss 95–99). Psalms 95–99 form a collection; Psa 93 is sometimes included in this grouping because of its close proximity and content. (Psa 47 is included because of its similarities in content.)

Several blocks of psalms seem to have existed as separate collections before they were incorporated into the book of Psalms (see note on 1:1–6).

Hallel EDB

the world Refers to the dry land Yahweh created in the beginning, as opposed to the seas (vv. 3–4; Gen 1:6–10; compare Isa 14:17).

93:3–4 The image of Yahweh’s secure reign serves as a reference point when the chaotic floodwaters of Psa 93:3–4 are introduced. Yahweh is not in a struggle against the waters, like the gods in other ancient Near Eastern literature—He is already established securely as ruler. In its ancient Near Eastern context, this psalm would have emphasized Yahweh as superior God and King of all.

93:3 The rivers The term nahar means “stream,” “current,” or “river.” The rising chaotic waters contrast with God’s stability.

Psalm 93:3–4 IVPBBCOT

Flood DBI

have lifted up The verb nasa (“to lift up” or “to raise”) refers to both the water and its sound.

93:4 breakers of the sea The expansion of the waters from overflowing rivers to the sea intensifies the confrontation with God.

on high The term bammarom (“in the height”) is consistent with the vision of God’s throne on top of the world (v. 1).

93:5 The psalmist shifts from focusing on Yahweh’s power and splendor to His instruction and character. Yahweh’s ability to stand against the symbol of chaos in the ancient Near East—the waters (the seas and rivers)—establishes His right to reign over the earth and dictate truth.

Your testimonies Refers to God’s laws and legal provisions.

Holiness This can refer to moral purity or being set apart for Yahweh, or both. The psalmist indicates that Yahweh’s magnificence is supported by His character; He deserves the splendid distinctiveness that typifies Him. Like Yahweh Himself, His house (the heavens)—and the Jerusalem temple like it (the symbol of His presence on earth)—is set apart as sacred (compare Exod 19:22).

Holiness AYBD

Holiness NDBT


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