Faithlife Study Bible
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26:1–19 Continuing with his preparations for the temple, David now divides the gatekeepers and assigns them to specific gates.

26:1 the gatekeepers Responsible for guarding the temple and preventing unlawful entry (2 Chr 23:19; see Num 3:10 and note). They also collected money (2 Kgs 12:9–10) and the freewill offering (2 Chr 31:14), assisted with some religious duties, and participated in purification rites (Neh 12:44).

Gatekeeper ISBE

26:5 God blessed him Having many children was seen as a blessing from God.

26:6 ability The Hebrew phrase used here, gibbor chayil, can refer to capability (1 Kgs 11:28), wealth (2 Kgs 15:20), bravery (Judg 6:12), or character (Ruth 2:1). It probably indicates strength here, as being a gatekeeper would require some physical strength (2 Chr 26:17–18).

26:13 they cast lots As with the division of priests (see 1 Chron 24:5 and note) and musicians (see 25:8 and note), they cast lots to determine their roles.

26:14 lot fell to the east The position of most responsibility. The east gate was known as the “King’s Gate” (9:18). There were more gatekeepers posted there than at the other gates (vv. 17–18).

26:15 to his sons, the storehouses Used to store temple vessels (2 Chr 25:24).

26:18 court The Hebrew word parbar occurs only here and in 2 Kgs 23:11. Its meaning is uncertain, but it probably indicates some kind of court.

26:20–32 The section on temple personnel concludes with a list of treasurers (1 Chron 26:20–28) and positions of service outside the temple (vv. 29–32).

26:20 the treasuries of the house of God The treasurers are split into two groups: one group is in charge of the temple treasuries (see note on v. 22) and the other is in charge of the treasury of dedicated gifts (see note on v. 26).

26:22 the treasuries of the house of Yahweh Probably refers to treasuries at the gatehouses (9:26; 26:15).

26:26 the treasuries of the sanctified objects Most likely refers to the spoils of war that were dedicated to God (18:11; compare note on Josh 6:17). These included spoils taken by David (1 Chron 26:27) as well as other leaders (v. 28).

26:28 Samuel the seer Prophet and leader of Israel before Saul. See note on 1 Sam 1:20.

Saul Israel’s first king (1 Chr 10:1–14).

Abner Saul’s cousin and commander of his army (1 Sam 14:50).

Joab Commander of David’s army (1 Chr 11:6).

26:29 duties outside David also appointed Levites to serve areas outside the temple. These officials had both religious and administrative responsibilities. They were to perform the “work of Yahweh” as well as the “service of the king” (vv. 30, 32).

26:30 Israel beyond the Jordan westward Refers to all the tribes except those listed in v. 32.

26:32 the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh These tribes lived east of the Jordan River.


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