
Fearless Faith (SFL; Galatians, 1 & 2 Thessalonians) is unavailable, but you can change that!

The early letters from Paul glow with the fire of the Spirit and His provision for believers distressed by unsettling and erroneous teachings. This study challenges us to fearless faith by experiencing and trusting the true freedom the Spirit gives.

Yet other teachers had followed Paul. These teachers, known as Judaizers, taught that Gentiles had to be circumcised and turn to the Law as well as accepting Jesus as their Savior. In addition, they attacked Paul in two particular ways: 1) they claimed that his apostleship was either inauthentic or secondary to that of the original apostles, and 2) they attacked Paul’s character, claiming that he was just preaching what people wanted to hear in order to obtain a following. WORD WEALTH Apostles,