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Fresh Sermons contains hundreds of high quality sermons by Dr. James L. Wilson, fully integrated into Logos Bible Software. Wilson’s sermons have appeared in numerous magazines and have been featured in the 2007 edition of America’s Favorite Sermons. These sermons can assist preachers in their sermon preparation tasks. Use them as idea starters or use their structure to help shape your own ideas....

How real are you with God? Are you passionate about pursuing Him? Are you following His commandments “heart and soul?” Or are you half-hearted? Robert Webber, Professor of Ministry at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary in Lombard, Ill, recently said, “[worship] doesn’t have to be excellent; it has to be real.” (http://www.freshsermonillustrations.net) A couple of weeks ago, we had a very non-excellent worship service on Sunday night. It wasn’t that we didn’t prepare, we did. Our band had worked