
Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah is unavailable, but you can change that!

These prophets were writing during the seventh and eighth century B.C.. The major prophetic themes of the destruction of Israel’s enemies, the judgment of God upon Israel when she turns from him, and the peace that would result from living in harmony with God, are all here. There are also Messianic and future prophetic themes, such as the eternal reign of a king from the line of David (Micah) and...

because of their covenant breaking. The justice of this is implicitly acknowledged. But the LORD will not step beyond what is just, and therefore there may be confidence for the future. ‘To execute’ is a supplement that effectively brings out the force of the Hebrew phrase which is simply ‘for judgment’. On its own that would be ambiguous. It is not the Babylonian invaders who are in the first instance going to be judged (but see 2:6–20). They are rather the LORD’S appointed means of chastising his
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