
Fides et Ratio (Latin) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Written in 1998, Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) is Pope John Paul II’s treatment of the relationship between faith and reason. The pope re-iterates the Church’s teaching that faith and reason are not only not in conflict, but are in their essences bound up together. Faith without reason tends toward superstition and reason without faith tends toward nihilism. The pope calls for their...

Ita profecto evenit ut multi suam vitam ad ipsum praecipitii marginem producant, nescientes interea quid ultra maneat. Inde hoc nempe accidit quod nonnumquam ii, quos munus fere proprium obstringebat ut culturae formis fructus proferrent suarum deliberationum, oculos a veritate abstraherent, cum laboris successum subitum praeferrent patientis inquisitionis labori earum rerum quae vivendo sunt experiendae. Strenue igitur pristinam suam vocationem recuperare debet philosophia cuius grave est officium