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Agricultural metaphors permeate Scripture. In Genesis, we learn of Abel tending flocks and Cain working the fields. In the Psalms we read of God’s creation—plants, animals, and the variety of life. Jesus told parables of sowing and harvesting. Today, the church still uses such metaphors—planting the seed of the Gospel in the hearts of others. Charles Spurgeon, keenly aware of the prominence of...

the Master’s prayer have a glorious answer—“That they all may be one.” All our errors removed and our mistakes corrected and forgiven, the one Lord, the one faith, and the one baptism will be known of us all, and there will be no more vexings and envyings. What a blessed gathering it will be! What a meeting! The elect of God, the élite of all the centuries, of whom the world was not worthy. I should not like to be away. If there were no hell, it would be hell enough to me to be shut out of such heavenly
Pages 324–325