
God’s Ultimate Purpose: An Exposition of Ephesians 1 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume 1, Chapter 1: God’s Ultimate Purpose In the first volume of the collection, Lloyd-Jones begins his panoramic description of the wondrous and glorious work of God in Jesus Christ. Topics discussed include: the concepts of adoption, redemption, grace, peace and glory; what it means to be sealed with the Spirit, the final consummation, and many others.

know why it is so. He wants to do certain things, but something inside him tells him that it is wrong to do so. He has something in him which we call conscience. Though he thinks he can be perfectly happy whatever he does, and though he may silence other people, he cannot silence this inward monitor. Man is in a state of internal warfare; he does not know the reason for it, yet he knows that it is so. But in the Scriptures we are told exactly why this is the case. Man was made by God in such a way
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