
A Study Commentary on John, Volume 2: John 13–21 is unavailable, but you can change that!

In volume two, Gordon Keddie concludes his commentary on John by analyzing its last nine chapters.

Incidents John Matthew Mark Luke 1. Jesus arrested 18:12 26:57 14:53 22:54 2. Jesus taken to Annas 18:13–14 — — — 3. Peter’s first denial 18:15–18 26:69–70 14:66–68 22:56–57 4. Jesus’ first examination 18:19–23 — — — 5. Jesus taken to Caiaphas 18:24 26:57 14:53 22:54 6. Jesus’ second examination (3 a.m.) — 26:57–68 14:53–65 22:54–65 a. Charge 1—the temple — 26:57–63a 14:53–61a — b. Charge 2—the Christ — 26:63b–64 14:61b–62 22:66–69* c. Condemnation/ abuse —
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