
A Study Commentary on Numbers is unavailable, but you can change that!

The place of the book of Numbers in the literary pattern is clear. First of all, it concludes Israel’s stay at Sinai, and it prepares the people for the march to the land of promise (1:1–10:10). Secondly, the book records the actual journey from Sinai to the plains of Moab, and it ends with Israel prepared to launch a campaign into the land of promise. It is telling that the final word of the...

effect (see 1 Sam. 3:4–10). It can also be for emphasis (for example, Gen. 24:12–27, 34–38). Repetition can have a didactic purpose.3 What possible purpose could a duplicate story of bringing water from the rock have? First, we need to note that the two passages bracket the entire episode of the wilderness wanderings; thus this theme forms an inclusio for the desert stories. And we also need to understand that the episode recorded in Exodus focused on the first generation of Israelites coming out
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