
Every Miracle in the Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

Every Miracle & Wonder in the Bible will help you understand the amazing miracles and wonders of the Bible and strengthen your faith in a God who cannot be bound by time and space—or the skepticism of man. This comprehensive treatment of every miracle and wonder in the Bible will enable you to better know and share the powerful, loving God of miracles. Includes illustrations for enhanced...

There were too many witnesses, undoubtedly including some leaders. Caused by God. The people who witnessed this miracle naturally assumed that God was the source of Jesus’ power. Who else but God could perform such miracles? Even the religious leaders had not challenged this assumption at first. When Nicodemus, a member of the ruling Jewish council, came to Jesus earlier, he confessed, “We know that You are a teacher come from God, for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him” (John
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