
Evangelical Theology: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction (Second Edition) is unavailable, but you can change that!

Gospel-Centered Theology for Today. Evangelical Theology, Second Edition helps today’s readers understand and practice the doctrines of the Christian faith by presenting a gospel-centered theology that is accessible, rigorous, and balanced. According author Michael Bird the gospel is the fulcrum of Christian doctrine; the gospel is where God meets us and where we introduce the world to God. And...

Given the problems associated with systematic theology, would it not be better simply to avoid it altogether? Do we even need a thing called “theology,” let alone “systematic theology”? Isn’t biblical theology eminently preferable if we are people of the Bible? Do I really need to know the difference between infralapsarianism and supralapsarianism in order to be an effective missionary, worship pastor, or just a plain Christian? What has hypostatic union and
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