
ESV Global Study Bible is unavailable, but you can change that!

The ESV Global Study Bible is a one-volume study resource for globally minded Christians everywhere. It has been designed from beginning to end to be highly accessible and value priced for distribution on a global scale. The Global Study Bible features a fresh design, with a wide range of new features. Each book begins with an introduction, followed by a unique, insightful description of the...

2:8 Then resumes the call to prayer from v. 1. Lifting … hands is a typical posture for prayer in the Bible (compare 1 Kings 8:22; Ps. 28:2; Isa. 1:15; Luke 24:50). 2:12 I do not permit. Paul writes with the authority of an apostle. He does not simply offer an opinion. This statement is about how the church should operate when assembled together. In that context, two things are prohibited: (1) Women are not permitted to publicly teach Scripture and/or Christian doctrine to men in church (the context
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