
The New Encyclopedia of Christian Quotations is unavailable, but you can change that!

"Like apples of gold in settings of silver" is the beautiful image the Bible uses to describe a word well spoken. This encyclopedia is just what you need to put a finger on precisely the right words and ideas for the occasion. The comprehensive and up-to-date volume features more than 1 million words, with 20,000 quotes from over 2,500 sources. The vast majority of quotations are from Christian...

thankful for what He has already shown me, and to wait upon Him for more. It is my part to commit myself to Him as the physician of sin-sick souls, not to prescribe to Him how He shall treat me. To begin, carry on, and perfect the cure, is His part. The doubts and fears you speak of are, in a greater or lesser degree, the common experience of all the Lord’s people, at least for a time: whilst any unbelief remains in the heart, and Satan is permitted to tempt, we shall feel these things. In themselves
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