
2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews 1–6 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Alexander MacLaren (1826–1910) is ranked among the expert expositors of the nineteenth century. His life was passionately devoted to the study of Scripture and to the pulpit ministry. His career was marked by a faithful commitment to both his church community and to the integrity of the Baptist tradition. His writings and reputation were world renown, and his skill with the English language and...

Manhood Crowned in Jesus Heb. 2:8–9 OWE of our celebrated astronomers is said to have taught himself the rudiments of his starry science when lying on the hill-side, keeping his father’s sheep. Perhaps the grand psalm to which these words refer had a similar origin, and may have come from the early days of the shepherd king, when, like those others of a later day, he abode in the field of Bethlehem, keeping watch over his flock by night. The magnificence of the Eastern heavens, with their ‘larger