
2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, and Hebrews 1–6 is unavailable, but you can change that!

Alexander MacLaren (1826–1910) is ranked among the expert expositors of the nineteenth century. His life was passionately devoted to the study of Scripture and to the pulpit ministry. His career was marked by a faithful commitment to both his church community and to the integrity of the Baptist tradition. His writings and reputation were world renown, and his skill with the English language and...

Paul’s Dying Confidence 2 Tim. 4:18 IF we leave out of notice for a moment the two or three salutations and personal messages which follow, these are the last words of Paul’s last letter. So he disappears from history with this ringing cry of confidence upon his lips. There was enough in his circumstances to breed the very opposite disposition. He was half-way through his trial before Nero, and suspense, we all know, gnaws at the very roots of courage. He was all but absolutely certain that death