
101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Engaged is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Perfect Remedy for Cold Feet! More than half of all couples who become engaged this year will never make it to the altar. Why? Leading experts believe it’s because couples fail to really get to know their potential mate before getting engaged. Relationship expert and noted couples counselor Norm Wright steers potential brides and grooms through a series of soul–searching questions to discern...

Everyone has some habits or patterns. Are yours the same or similar? How do you feel about your partner’s? Can you live with them? Accept them? Do they want you to help “get rid of the ones they don’t like?” Habits you find annoying now will only be intensified after marriage. 29. Who are the people in your life that have influenced you the most and in what way? We all have significant people in our lives. Some have been mentors who have helped us grow. Unfortunately, sometimes we are influenced in dysfunctional