
The Game Plan: The Men's 30-Day Strategy for Attaining Sexual Integrity is unavailable, but you can change that!

Men everywhere are under attack-your neighbor, your coworker, your pastor, even your husband. And, even in Christian homes, 40% of men have fallen to this foe that can destroy marriages and ruin lives. Who is this devastating adversary? Pornography. It floods our airwaves and PCs, assaulting the senses, and luring its prey to return again and again. Drawing from seventeen years of counseling...

First, you’ve underestimated the power of sexual sin, and you’ve overestimated your own integrity. You thought just repenting and being sorry would be enough, and that if you really tried, you’d never want to act out again. That’s a huge underestimation of sin, not to mention an overestimation of your own strength.” My humility grew a bit that day. “Second, you failed because you had a change of heart without a change of lifestyle. And without a lifestyle change, all the ‘I’m sorrys’ in the world