
Dietrich Bonhoeffer 1906–1945: Martyr, Thinker, Man of Resistance is unavailable, but you can change that!

This volume offers a new comprehensive biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer has gained a position as one of the most prominent Christian martyrs of the last century. His influence is so widespread that over half a century after his execution by the Nazis, Bonhoeffer’s life and work are still the subject of fresh and lively discussion. As a pastor and theologian, Bonhoeffer decided to...

Church!) you ask, what about the Christian life? If I lecture about the Sermon on the Mount, you ask, what about real life? If I give you an interpretation of the very real and sinful life of a man from the Bible, then you ask, what about eternal truth? And all that is intended only to make one concern heard: how do I live a Christian life in the real world, and where are the ultimate authorities for such a life, the only life worth living? At this point I simply want to confess that I believe the
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