
Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Dictionary of Paul and His Letters is a one-of-a-kind reference work. Following the format of its highly successful companion volume, the Dictionary of Jesus and the Gospels, this Dictionary is designed to bring students, teachers, ministers and laypeople abreast of the established conclusions and significant recent developments in Pauline scholarship. No other single reference works...

Salvation is a general term, denoting deliverance of varying kinds. It may be used of the healing of disease, of safety in travel and of preservation in times of peril. It may apply to people or to things. In the OT, when Israel was threatened by hostile nations, the term is used of God’s protection. In the Gospels it is often used of Jesus’ healings (“Your faith has saved [i.e., healed] you”). But the term is also used for deliverance from sin and for the ultimate deliverance when the