
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Wisdom, Poetry & Writings is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Old Testament books of wisdom and poetry carry themselves differently from those of the Pentateuch, the histories, or the prophets. The divine voice does not peal from Sinai, there are no narratives carried along by prophetic interpretation, nor are oracles declaimed by a prophet. Here Scripture often speaks in the words of human response to God and God’s world. The hymns, laments, and...

is this setting that is the basis for the indictment against God, since both the accuser and Job assume that God’s policy is accurately represented by the retribution principle and on that basis they have pressed their charges. . Two possible responses by Job could result in God’s losing the case. The quickest response, and perhaps not contrary to human nature, would have been for Job to succumb to his wife’s advice: “Curse God and die.” If Job had fallen to that temptation, it would
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