
Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the five hundred years since the publication of Martin Luther’s Ninety-Five Theses, a rich set of traditions have grown up around that action and the subsequent events of the Reformation. This up-to-date dictionary by leading theologians and church historians covers Luther’s life and thought, key figures of his time, and the various traditions he continues to influence. Prominent scholars of...

necessary for the true unity of the Christian church that uniform ceremonies, instituted by human beings, be observed everywhere.” Twice in the history of the Evangelical church disputes arose over adiaphora. The first occurred in 1548, when Charles V attempted to unite Catholics and Protestants under the so-called Augsburg Interim. For either side the point at issue was whether, under the duress of the emperor’s edict following the Smalcald War, elements that were neither commanded nor forbidden
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