
Theological Education at Finkenwalde: 1935–1937 is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the spring of 1935, Dietrich Bonhoeffer returned from England to direct a small illegal seminary for the Confessing Church. The seminary existed for two years before the Gestapo ordered it closed in August 1937. The two years of Finkenwalde’s existence produced some of Bonhoeffer’s most significant theological work as he prepared these young seminarians for the turbulence and risk of parish...

feeble, tamed horse instead, so also does one purchase a usable Christianity, tamed …14—and it is only a question of honesty before one quickly loses all interest in this construction and turns away from it. This contemporizing of the Christian message leads directly to paganism, which means [first] that the only difference between G[erman] C[hristians] and so-called neopagans is honesty.15 Second, however, it means that even the call for contemporizing the Christian message that the G[erman] C[hristians]
Pages 415–416