
Bought with Blood: The Divine Exchange at the Cross is unavailable, but you can change that!

At the cross Christ made possible a "divine exchange" for everyone who believes in him. What is this exchange? Because Jesus endured all the evil due to humankind, believers can actually partake in all the good due to him. In this meaty book, acclaimed scholar Derek Prince explores the astounding results of the atonement for followers of Christ. In place of punishment, wounding, death, poverty,...

On the cross, as we have seen, a divinely ordained exchange took place—something conceived in the heart and mind of God from eternity and acted out at Calvary. The cross was no accident—not some grievous mishap forced on Jesus, not some development God had not foreseen. No, the cross was a marvel ordained by God from the beginning of time in which Jesus, as Priest, offered Himself to God as the sacrifice. By this one sacrifice He made provision for all the needs of the