
The Sovereignty of Grace: An Appraisal of G. C. Berkouwer’s View of Dordt is unavailable, but you can change that!

Including his analysis of the principles discussed in the Council of Dordt, Van Til addresses the Reformed theology of grace as it was impacted by the discourse of the Roman Catholic church. Reviewing the works of Berkouwer and Barth, Van Til addresses the importance of the Council of Dordt to the development of the theology of grace, as well as analyzing the impact the aforementioned theologians...

tells us that the first thing to do is to maintain that the traditional view of Christ as directly revealing God in history cannot be true. The old metaphysic, Hinaus! Then when he reads the gospels the modern historian, deeply conscious of the fact that the “historic consciousness” is the only criterion available for determining what is “true,” does not treat statements of Scripture as statements “but as evidence: not as true or false accounts of the facts of which they profess to be accounts, but
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