
Acts: Bible Study Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Written as part of Scripture Union’s Bible Study Commentary series, which encourages regular, systematic personal Bible reading, this commentary is also designed as a resource manual for group study. Acts is a pivotal book in the New Testament, says Bruce, “for it provided the sequel to the Gospels and the background to the apostolic letters.” Be aware that F. F. Bruce also wrote a larger (580...

The chief priests and their colleagues knew that the power and confidence with which the apostles spoke did not spring from their unaided native genius and owed nothing to any rabbinical education. Their estimate of them as “uneducated, common men” (4:13) does not suggest that they were illiterate, but that they were untrained laymen. The source of their eloquence and ability to handle scripture was no mystery. Their judges took account of the fact that they had been
Acts 4:13–22