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The Cornerstone Biblical Commentary series provides up-to-date, evangelical scholarship on Scripture. This volume is designed to equip pastors and Christian leaders with exegetical and theological knowledge to better understand and apply God’s Word by presenting the message of each passage as well as an overview of other issues surrounding the text. The commentary has been structured to help...

5:2 circumcise this second generation. Lit., “circumcise a second time” (see NLT mg and commentary). 5:3 Gibeath-haaraloth. This means “the Hill of the Foreskins” (cf. NLT mg). The name suggests Joshua circumcised the men on a hill or hillock near Israel’s camp at Gilgal. The foreskin (‘arelah [TH6190, ZH6889]) is the skin covering the glans; in circumcision, it is surgically cut away. 5:6 the LORD vowed … he had sworn. The Hebrew phrasing is the same in both places: “which Yahweh had sworn.”
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