
C. S. Lewis for the Third Millennium: Six Essays on The Abolition of Man is unavailable, but you can change that!

Kreeft, one of the foremost students of Lewis’ thought, distills Lewis’ reflections on the collapse of western civilization and the way to renew it. Few writers have more lucidly grasped the meaning of modern times than Lewis. Kreeft’s reflections on Lewis’ thought provide explorations into the questions of our times, providing light and hope in an age of darkness.

to moral “values”, away from objective natural law to subjective human values. Our question here is: How far can this revolution go? The natural law has been battered and has lost many battles; will it finally lose the war? Aquinas says no. Is he right? This revolution has won over the intelligentsia of Western civilization at a steadily increasing rate throughout this century, and it is percolating down to the masses through modern media faster than Christianity converted the world in the first
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