Christian Standard Bible
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Long ago God spokea to our ancestors by the prophetsb at different times and in different ways.c In these last days,d he has spoken to us by his Son. God has appointed him heir of all thingse and made the universeA,f through him. The Son is the radianceB of God’s glory and the exact expressionC of his nature,g sustaining all things by his powerful word.h After making purification for sins,D he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high.E,i So he became superior to the angels, just as the name he inherited is more excellent than theirs.j


For to which of the angels did he ever say,

You are my Son;

today I have become your Father,F,G

or again,

I will be his Father,

and he will be my Son?H,k

Again, when heI brings his firstborn into the world,l he says,

And let all God’s angels worship him.J,m

And about the angels he says:

He makes his angels winds,K

and his servantsL a fiery flame,M,n

but toN the Son:

Your throne, God,

is forever and ever,

and the scepter of your kingdom

is a scepter of justice.o

You have loved righteousness

and hated lawlessness;

this is why God, your God,

has anointed you

with the oil of joyp

beyond your companions.O,P

10 And:

In the beginning, Lord,

you established the earth,

and the heavens are the works of your hands;q

11 they will perish, but you remain.

They will all wear out like clothing;r

12 you will roll them up like a cloak,Q

and they will be changed like clothing.

But you are the same,

and your years will never end.R,s

13 Now to which of the angels has he ever said:

Sit at my right hand

until I make your enemies your footstool?S,t

14 Are they not all ministering spirits sent out to serve those who are going to inherit salvation?u


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The Christian Standard Bible (CSB) is a highly trustworthy, faithful translation that is proven to be the optimal blend of accuracy and readability. It’s as literal to the original as possible without sacrificing clarity. The CSB is poised to become the translation that pastors rely on and Bible readers turn to again and again to read and to share with others.

The CSB is an original translation: more than 100 scholars from 17 denominations translated directly from the best available Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic source texts into English. Its source texts are the standard used by scholars and seminaries today.

The CSB is trustworthy: the conservative, evangelical scholars of the CSB affirm the authority of Scripture as the inerrant Word of God and seek the highest level of faithfulness to the original and accuracy in their translation. These scholars and LifeWay, the non-profit ministry that stewards the CSB, also champion the Bible against cultural trends that would compromise its truths.

The CSB is clear: it is as literal a translation of the ancient source texts as possible, but, in the many places throughout Scripture where a word-for-word rendering might obscure the meaning for a modern audience, it uses a more dynamic translation. In all cases, the intent is to convey the original meaning of God’s Word as faithfully and as clearly as possible.


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