
Jon Courson’s Application Commentary is unavailable, but you can change that!

Jon Courson’s Application Commentary combines a verse-by-verse teaching of every paragraph of Scripture with practical topical studies throughout. This New Testament commentary is a blend of information and inspiration presented in a way unique to Jon Courson.

all, Jesus had told him directly, “Satan desires to sift you like wheat, to grind you up, to wipe you out. I have prayed for you, Peter, and when you are converted—not if but when you make it through—strengthen the brethren” (see Luke 22:32). Guess what. In our text, Peter’s doing just that, for we’re sitting here almost two thousand years later, listening to Peter telling us to be sober and vigilant because our adversary, the devil, goes about as a roaring lion. Peter would say to us, “I’ve been
Pages 1579–1583