
The Creeds of Christendom, with a History and Critical Notes, Volume II: The Greek and Latin Creeds, with Translations is unavailable, but you can change that!

Volume 2 of The Creeds of Christendom contains the confessions found in Scripture, including those by Peter, Thomas, and others. Using Scriptural accounts and apostolic testimony, Schaff explores the relationship between the Bible and the early creeds. He also discusses at length the ecumenical creeds of the Ante-Nicene and Nicene periods, such as the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the...

mandatorum: anathema sit. CANON XX.—If any one saith, that the man who is justified and how perfect soever, is not bound to observe the commandments of God and of the Church, but only to believe; as if indeed the Gospel were a bare and absolute promise of eternal life, without the condition of observing the commandments: let him be anathema. CANON XXI.—Si quis dixerit, Christum Iesum a Deo hominibus datum fuisse, ut redemptorem, cui fidant, non etiam, ut legislatorem, cui obediant: anathema sit.
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