
Judges–Ruth is unavailable, but you can change that!

In the immediate context of the Old Testament, Judges forms a link between the exodus of the Hebrews from Egypt and the rise of the Jewish monarchy. The period reflected in Judges is crucial to the development of the Israelite psyche as God begins the lesson that the exiles to Assyria and Babylon later finish: blessing is connected to fidelity to God; suffering is the natural...

gleaner, she is not bound by property limits (probably set by boundary stones) and is free to work an area once it has been harvested. Her statement specifically raises the subject of finding the “favor” of a superior and voices her hope to fall into a situation where hospitality will be shown.12 Curiously, this effort to “find favor” is partially anticipated by the prayer in 1:9 where Naomi prays that through Yahweh, her daughters-in-law will “find rest.” Could the text be edging toward a theology
Pages 349–350