
Galatians & Ephesians is unavailable, but you can change that!

Galatians: Throughout the history of the church the message of Galatians has been needed to free men from chains of false doctrine. Repeatedly men have turned away from grace to bow at the altar of law. Desperate to claim at least part of the credit for their own salvation, they have chosen to believe that they are saved by keeping enough rules, enduring enough pain, or siding with the orthodox...

4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; Lest there be misunderstanding about what it means to walk in harmony with God’s redemptive purpose, Paul lists several specifics. Taken together, these comprise a grand appeal to unity in the body of Christ. In order to reach that unity (v. 3), four steps are prerequisite. (See also Phil 2:1–3 and Col 3:12–15.) The first step in the “worthy walk” toward unity is to be “completely humble” (ταπεινοφροσύνη, tapeinophrosynē). Also translated “lowliness of mind,”
Ephesians 4:2